diff --git a/rust/radixbuf/src/errors.rs b/rust/radixbuf/src/errors.rs
--- a/rust/radixbuf/src/errors.rs
+++ b/rust/radixbuf/src/errors.rs
@@ -11,9 +11,24 @@
     errors {
+        OffsetOverflow(offset: u64) {
+            description("offset overflow")
+            display("offset {} is out of range", offset)
+        }
+        AmbiguousPrefix {
+            description("ambiguous prefix")
+        }
+        PrefixConflict(key_id1: KeyId, key_id2: KeyId) {
+            description("key prefix conflict")
+            display("{:?} cannot be a prefix of {:?}", key_id1, key_id2)
+        }
         InvalidKeyId(key_id: KeyId) {
             description("invalid key id")
             display("{:?} cannot be resolved", key_id)
+        InvalidBase16(x: u8) {
+            description("invalid base16 value")
+            display("{} is not a base16 value", x)
+        }
diff --git a/rust/radixbuf/src/lib.rs b/rust/radixbuf/src/lib.rs
--- a/rust/radixbuf/src/lib.rs
+++ b/rust/radixbuf/src/lib.rs
@@ -22,3 +22,4 @@
 pub mod base16;
 pub mod key;
 pub mod traits;
+pub mod radix;
diff --git a/rust/radixbuf/src/radix.rs b/rust/radixbuf/src/radix.rs
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/radixbuf/src/radix.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
+// Copyright 2017 Facebook, Inc.
+// This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
+// GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
+//! Main radix index implementation that maintains efficient Key to `KeyId` look ups.
+//! The index is backed by a plain buffer (`[u32]`) which stores radix nodes. A radix
+//! node consists of 16 offsets. Those offsets could be empty (0), pointing to another
+//! radix node (when LSB is 0), or pointing to a `KeyId` (LSB is 1).
+//! When looking up a key (`[u8]`), iterate the key as base16 sequences. Recursively
+//! look up radix nodes starting from a specified root node until hitting a non-radix
+//! offset (`KeyId` or 0). Then decide whether there is a match or not.
+//! A plain buffer could have multiple root radix nodes as long as they do not overlap.
+//! The index does not support deletion at present. It also forbids a key being the prefix
+//! of another key, to make the format simpler and more compact.
+use base16::Base16Iter;
+use errors::{Result, ErrorKind};
+use key::KeyId;
+use traits::Resize;
+/// Represent an offset to a radix node which contains 16 optional pointers to other
+/// radix nodes, or `KeyId`s.
+#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
+struct RadixOffset(u32);
+impl RadixOffset {
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn new(offset: u32) -> Self { RadixOffset(offset) }
+    /// Append an empty `RadixNode` (`[u32; 16]`) at the end of a buffer.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn create<R: Resize<u32> + AsRef<[u32]>>(vec: &mut R) -> Result<Self> {
+        let pos = vec.as_ref().len();
+        if (pos as u32) as usize != pos {
+            bail!(ErrorKind::OffsetOverflow(pos as u64));
+        }
+        vec.resize(pos + 16, 0);
+        Ok(RadixOffset(pos as u32))
+    }
+    /// Follow a base16 sequence. Return a tuple:
+    ///   - The first item is `Some(key_id)` if a `KeyId` was found, or `None`
+    ///   - The second item the "last follow state", useful for write operations
+    ///
+    /// The "last follow state" consists of 3 items:
+    ///   - r: `RadixOffset`
+    ///   - i: position reached within `seq`
+    ///   - b: last base16 index number
+    ///
+    /// So `buf[r.0 + b]` points to the returned `KeyId` (if returned), and
+    /// `seq.nth(i)` equals to `b`.
+    ///
+    /// For example, given the base16 sequence: [1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 14], and the
+    /// following radix buffer:
+    ///
+    ///   - Offset   0: RadixNode({0: 100, 1: 0, ... 15: 0}) # This RadixNode
+    ///   - Offset 100: RadixNode({..., 2: 200, ...})
+    ///   - Offset 200: RadixNode({..., 11: 501, ...}) # 501 is `KeyId` since its LSB is 1
+    ///
+    /// This function will return `Ok(Some(501), (200, 2, 11))`. Note: the remaining
+    /// part of the base16 sequence (starting from 12) are not verified against the
+    /// key. It's up to the caller to verify it if needed.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn follow<R: AsRef<[u32]>, I: Iterator<Item = u8>>(self, buf: &R, seq: I)
+        -> Result<(Option<KeyId>, (RadixOffset, usize, u8))> {
+        let buf = buf.as_ref();
+        let mut radix = self;
+        for (i, b) in seq.enumerate() {
+            if b >= 16 {
+                bail!(ErrorKind::InvalidBase16(b));
+            }
+            let pos = radix.0 as usize + usize::from(b);
+            if pos >= buf.len() {
+                bail!(ErrorKind::OffsetOverflow(pos as u64));
+            }
+            let v = u32::from_be(buf[pos]);
+            if v == 0 {
+                // Missing
+                return Ok((None, (radix, i, b)));
+            } else if v & 1 != 0 {
+                // KeyId
+                return Ok((Some(KeyId::from(v >> 1)), (radix, i, b)));
+            } else {
+                // RadixOffset
+                radix = RadixOffset::new(v >> 1);
+            }
+        }
+        // The base16 sequence is too short and does not match a non-radix node.
+        // NOTE: The error is not accurate if the prefix is empty and the radix tree is
+        // also empty, or has exactly one entry. But without supporting that, the code
+        // becomes much shorter. Since that is a rare case, we do not support it for now.
+        Err(ErrorKind::AmbiguousPrefix.into())
+    }
+    /// Rewrite specified entry to point to another radix node.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn write_radix<R: AsMut<[u32]>>(&self, vec: &mut R, index: u8, node: RadixOffset)
+        -> Result<()> {
+        if node.0 > 0x7fff_ffff {
+            bail!(ErrorKind::OffsetOverflow(node.0 as u64));
+        }
+        self.write_raw(vec, index, node.0 << 1)
+    }
+    /// Rewrite specified entry to point to a `KeyId`.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn write_key_id<R: AsMut<[u32]>>(&self, vec: &mut R, index: u8, key_id: KeyId)
+        -> Result<()> {
+        let id: u32 = key_id.into();
+        if id > 0x7fff_ffff {
+            bail!(ErrorKind::OffsetOverflow(key_id.into()));
+        }
+        self.write_raw(vec, index, (id << 1) | 1)
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn write_raw<R: AsMut<[u32]>>(&self, vec: &mut R, index: u8, value: u32) -> Result<()> {
+        debug_assert!(index < 16);
+        let vec = vec.as_mut();
+        let pos = self.0 as usize + usize::from(index);
+        if pos > vec.len() {
+            bail!(ErrorKind::OffsetOverflow(pos as u64));
+        }
+        vec[pos] = value.to_be();
+        Ok(())
+    }
+// Public APIs
+/// Look up a given `Key`. Return an optional potentially matched `KeyId`.
+/// `radix_buf` is a `[u32]` buffer that contains `RaidxNode`s.
+/// `offset` is the offset of the root radix node within the radix buffer.
+/// `key` is a base256 sequence.
+/// The caller is responsible to check whether `KeyId` matches the given `Key` or not.
+pub fn radix_lookup_unchecked<R, K>(radix_buf: &R, offset: u32, key: &K) -> Result<Option<KeyId>>
+    R: AsRef<[u32]>,
+    K: AsRef<[u8]>,
+    let (key_id, _) = RadixOffset::new(offset).follow(
+        radix_buf,
+        Base16Iter::from_bin(&key),
+    )?;
+    Ok(key_id)
+// unfortunately rustfmt makes the parameter list longer than 100 chars so it's disabled for now.
+/// Lookup a given `Key`. Return a verified `KeyId` or `None`.
+/// `radix_buf` is a `[u32]` buffer that contains `RaidxNode`s.
+/// `offset` is the offset of the root radix node within the radix buffer.
+/// `key` is a base256 sequence.
+/// `key_reader` and `key_reader_arg` decide how and where to read a key given a `KeyId`.
+/// Unlike `radix_lookup_unchecked`. This function reads and checks the key.
+#[cfg_attr(rustfmt, rustfmt_skip)]
+pub fn radix_lookup<R, K, KR, KA>(
+    radix_buf: &R, offset: u32, key: &K, key_reader: KR, key_reader_arg: &KA)
+    -> Result<Option<KeyId>>
+    R: AsRef<[u32]>,
+    K: AsRef<[u8]>,
+    KR: Fn(&KA, KeyId) -> Result<&[u8]>,
+    let key_id = radix_lookup_unchecked(radix_buf, offset, key)?;
+    if let Some(id) = key_id {
+        let existing_key = key_reader(key_reader_arg, id)?;
+        if existing_key != key.as_ref() {
+            return Ok(None);
+        }
+    }
+    Ok(key_id)
+/// Lookup a unique `KeyId` given a prefix of a binary base16 sequence.
+/// `radix_buf` is a `[u32]` buffer that contains `RaidxNode`s.
+/// `offset` is the offset of the root radix node within the radix buffer.
+/// `prefix` is a base16 sequence (not base256).
+/// `key_reader` and `key_reader_arg` decide how and where to read a key given a `KeyId`.
+/// Return `Err(ErrorKind::AmbiguousPrefix.into())` or `Err(ErrorKind::PrefixConflict.into())`
+/// if there are multiple matches, or `prefix` is empty. Return `Ok(None)` if there
+/// are no matches.
+/// Return `Ok(key_id)` if there is a unique match. The `key_id` is guarnateed
+/// that once resolved and converted to base16 sequence, has a prefix matching
+/// the given `prefix`.
+#[cfg_attr(rustfmt, rustfmt_skip)]
+pub fn radix_prefix_lookup<R, P, KR, KA>(
+    radix_buf: &R, offset: u32, prefix: P, key_reader: KR, key_reader_arg: &KA)
+    -> Result<Option<KeyId>>
+    R: AsRef<[u32]>,
+    P: Iterator<Item = u8> + Clone,
+    KR: Fn(&KA, KeyId) -> Result<&[u8]>,
+    let root = RadixOffset::new(offset);
+    let (key_id, (_radix, i, _b)) = root.follow(radix_buf, prefix.clone())?;
+    if let Some(id) = key_id {
+        let key = key_reader(key_reader_arg, id)?;
+        let iter = Base16Iter::from_bin(&key);
+        let matched = iter.clone().skip(i).zip(prefix.clone().skip(i)).all(|(b1, b2)| b1 == b2);
+        if !matched || iter.count() < prefix.count() {
+            return Ok(None);
+        }
+    }
+    Ok(key_id)
+/// Insert a `key_id`  into the radix tree that can be retrieved using its corresponding
+/// key afterwards.
+/// `radix_buf` is a `[u32]` buffer that contains `RaidxNode`s.
+/// `offset` is the offset of the root radix node within the radix buffer.
+/// `key_id` is the `KeyId`, which will be passed to `key_reader` to retrieve the actual key.
+/// `key_reader` and `key_reader_arg` decide how and where to read a key given a `KeyId`.
+/// Return `Ok(())` on success.
+/// The key being inserted can neither be a prefix of an existing key, or has a prefix that equals
+/// to an existing key. If the key already exists, `key_id` must match the existing `key_id`.
+/// Otherwise it will cause `ErrorKind::PrefixConflict` error.
+#[cfg_attr(rustfmt, rustfmt_skip)]
+pub fn radix_insert<R, KR, KA>(
+    radix_buf: &mut R, offset: u32, key_id: KeyId, key_reader: KR, key_reader_arg: &KA)
+    -> Result<()>
+    R: Resize<u32> + AsRef<[u32]> + AsMut<[u32]>,
+    KR: Fn(&KA, KeyId) -> Result<&[u8]>,
+    let new_key = key_reader(key_reader_arg, key_id)?;
+    radix_insert_with_key(
+        radix_buf,
+        offset,
+        key_id,
+        &new_key,
+        key_reader,
+        key_reader_arg,
+    )
+/// Insert a `key_id`  into the radix tree that can be retrieved using `key` afterwards.
+/// `radix_buf` is a `[u32]` buffer that contains `RaidxNode`s.
+/// `offset` is the offset of the root radix node within the radix buffer.
+/// `key_id` is the `KeyId` to insert.
+/// `key` is the `Key` to be used. It must match provided `key_id`.
+/// `key_reader` and `key_reader_arg` decide how and where to read a key given a `KeyId`.
+/// Return `Ok(())` on success.
+/// The key being inserted can neither be a prefix of an existing key, or has a prefix that equals
+/// to an existing key. If the key already exists, `key_id` must match the existing `key_id`.
+/// Otherwise it will cause `ErrorKind::PrefixConflict` error.
+pub fn radix_insert_with_key<R, K, KR, KA>(
+    radix_buf: &mut R, offset: u32, key_id: KeyId, key: &K, key_reader: KR, key_reader_arg: &KA)
+    -> Result<()>
+    R: Resize<u32> + AsRef<[u32]> + AsMut<[u32]>,
+    K: AsRef<[u8]>,
+    KR: Fn(&KA, KeyId) -> Result<&[u8]>,
+    let new_key_id = key_id;
+    let new_key = key;
+    let root = RadixOffset::new(offset);
+    let (old_key_id, (radix, i, b)) = root.follow(radix_buf, Base16Iter::from_bin(&new_key))?;
+    match old_key_id {
+        Some(old_key_id) => {
+            // No need to re-insert a same key
+            if old_key_id == new_key_id {
+                return Ok(());
+            }
+            // Need to do a leaf split
+            let old_key = key_reader(key_reader_arg, old_key_id)?;
+            // Find common prefix starting from the next base16 integer
+            let mut common_len = 0;
+            let old_iter = Base16Iter::from_bin(&old_key).skip(i + 1);
+            let new_iter = Base16Iter::from_bin(&new_key).skip(i + 1);
+            for (b1, b2) in old_iter.zip(new_iter) {
+                if b1 == b2 {
+                    common_len += 1;
+                } else {
+                    // Got a chain of radix nodes to write back
+                    // Write new `RadixNode`s in reversed order so:
+                    // - Looking up `old_key` works in the mean time
+                    // - There won't be invalid `RadixOffset` at any time
+                    // - Write count is optimized
+                    //   (won't write `KeyId` first and then change it to `RadixOffset`)
+                    // The first two properties could help concurrent reads.
+                    // Although we are not depending on that right now.
+                    let mut node = RadixOffset::create(radix_buf)?;
+                    node.write_key_id(radix_buf, b1, old_key_id)?;
+                    node.write_key_id(radix_buf, b2, new_key_id)?;
+                    let new_iter = Base16Iter::from_bin(new_key).skip(i + 1);
+                    for k in new_iter.take(common_len).rev() {
+                        let new_node = RadixOffset::create(radix_buf)?;
+                        new_node.write_radix(radix_buf, k, node)?;
+                        node = new_node;
+                    }
+                    return radix.write_radix(radix_buf, b, node);
+                }
+            }
+            // new_key is a prefix of old_key, or vice-versa.
+            // or they are the same but with different key_ids.
+            if old_key.len() > new_key.as_ref().len() {
+                Err(ErrorKind::PrefixConflict(new_key_id, old_key_id).into())
+            } else {
+                Err(ErrorKind::PrefixConflict(old_key_id, new_key_id).into())
+            }
+        }
+        None => radix.write_key_id(radix_buf, b, new_key_id),
+    }
+mod tests {
+    use super::*;
+    use std::collections::HashSet;
+    use std::mem::transmute;
+    use key::{VariantKey, FixedKey};
+    use rand::{ChaChaRng, Rng};
+    use test::Bencher;
+    #[test]
+    fn test_errors() {
+        let mut key_buf = vec![0u8; 10];
+        let mut radix_buf = vec![0u32; 15];
+        // KeyId exceeds format limit
+        let key = [0u8; 20];
+        let key_id = (1u32 << 31).into();
+        let r = radix_insert_with_key(&mut radix_buf, 0, key_id, &key, FixedKey::read, &key_buf);
+        assert_eq!(r.unwrap_err().description(), "offset overflow");
+        // KeyId exceeds key buffer length
+        let key_id = 30u32.into();
+        let r = radix_insert(&mut radix_buf, 0, key_id, FixedKey::read, &key_buf);
+        assert_eq!(r.unwrap_err().description(), "invalid key id");
+        let r = radix_insert(&mut radix_buf, 0, key_id, FixedKey::read, &key_buf);
+        let t = format!("{}", r.unwrap_err());
+        assert_eq!(t, "KeyId(30) cannot be resolved");
+        // Radix root node offset exceeds radix buffer length
+        let r = radix_insert_with_key(&mut radix_buf, 16, key_id, &key, FixedKey::read, &key_buf);
+        assert_eq!(format!("{}", r.unwrap_err()), "offset 16 is out of range");
+        // Radix node offset out of range during a lookup
+        let prefix = [0xf].iter().cloned();
+        let r = radix_prefix_lookup(&radix_buf, 0, prefix, FixedKey::read, &key_buf);
+        assert_eq!(format!("{}", r.unwrap_err()), "offset 15 is out of range");
+        // Base16 sequence overflow
+        let prefix = [21].iter().cloned();
+        let r = radix_prefix_lookup(&radix_buf, 0, prefix.clone(), FixedKey::read, &key_buf);
+        assert_eq!(r.unwrap_err().description(), "invalid base16 value");
+        let r = radix_prefix_lookup(&radix_buf, 0, prefix, FixedKey::read, &key_buf);
+        assert_eq!(format!("{}", r.unwrap_err()), "21 is not a base16 value");
+        // Inserting a same key with a same `KeyId` is okay
+        let key_id1 = VariantKey::append(&mut key_buf, &b"ab");
+        let key_id2 = VariantKey::append(&mut key_buf, &b"ab");
+        radix_insert(&mut radix_buf, 0, key_id1, VariantKey::read, &key_buf).expect("insert");
+        radix_insert(&mut radix_buf, 0, key_id1, VariantKey::read, &key_buf).expect("insert");
+        // But not okay if `KeyId` are different
+        let r = radix_insert(&mut radix_buf, 0, key_id2, VariantKey::read, &key_buf);
+        assert_eq!(r.unwrap_err().description(), "key prefix conflict");
+        // A key cannot be a prefix of another key
+        let key_id4 = VariantKey::append(&mut key_buf, &b"a");
+        let key_id5 = VariantKey::append(&mut key_buf, &b"abc");
+        let r = radix_insert(&mut radix_buf, 0, key_id4, VariantKey::read, &key_buf);
+        assert_eq!(
+            format!("{}", r.unwrap_err()),
+            format!("{:?} cannot be a prefix of {:?}", key_id4, key_id1)
+        );
+        let r = radix_insert(&mut radix_buf, 0, key_id5, VariantKey::read, &key_buf);
+        assert_eq!(
+            format!("{}", r.unwrap_err()),
+            format!("{:?} cannot be a prefix of {:?}", key_id1, key_id5)
+        );
+        // Enforce a leaf split of key_id1
+        let key_id3 = VariantKey::append(&mut key_buf, &b"ac");
+        radix_insert(&mut radix_buf, 0, key_id3, VariantKey::read, &key_buf).expect("insert");
+        // Still impossible to cause key prefix conflicts
+        let r = radix_insert(&mut radix_buf, 0, key_id4, VariantKey::read, &key_buf);
+        assert_eq!(r.unwrap_err().description(), "ambiguous prefix");
+        let r = radix_insert(&mut radix_buf, 0, key_id5, VariantKey::read, &key_buf);
+        assert_eq!(r.unwrap_err().description(), "key prefix conflict");
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_prefix_lookup() {
+        let mut key_buf: Vec<u8> = vec![];
+        let mut radix_buf = vec![0u32; 16];
+        let query = Base16Iter::from_bin(&b"01abc");
+        // With a single key
+        let key1 = b"01ab";
+        let key1_id = VariantKey::append(&mut key_buf, &key1);
+        radix_insert(&mut radix_buf, 0, key1_id, VariantKey::read, &key_buf).expect("insert");
+        for i in 0..query.len() {
+            let prefix = query.clone().take(i);
+            let r = radix_prefix_lookup(&radix_buf, 0, prefix, VariantKey::read, &key_buf);
+            if i == 0 {
+                // This is sub-optimal. But see the NOTE in RadixOffset::follow.
+                assert_eq!(r.unwrap_err().description(), "ambiguous prefix");
+            } else if i <= key1.len() * 2 {
+                assert_eq!(r.unwrap(), Some(key1_id));
+            } else {
+                assert_eq!(r.unwrap(), None);
+            }
+        }
+        // With another key
+        let key2 = b"01bbc";
+        let key2_id = VariantKey::append(&mut key_buf, &key2);
+        radix_insert(&mut radix_buf, 0, key2_id, VariantKey::read, &key_buf).expect("insert");
+        for i in 0..query.len() {
+            let prefix = query.clone().take(i);
+            let r = radix_prefix_lookup(&radix_buf, 0, prefix, VariantKey::read, &key_buf);
+            if i <= 5 {
+                assert_eq!(r.unwrap_err().description(), "ambiguous prefix")
+            } else if i <= key1.len() * 2 {
+                assert_eq!(r.unwrap(), Some(key1_id));
+            } else {
+                assert_eq!(r.unwrap(), None);
+            }
+        }
+        let query = Base16Iter::from_bin(&b"1");
+        let r = radix_prefix_lookup(&radix_buf, 0, query, VariantKey::read, &key_buf);
+        assert_eq!(r.unwrap(), None);
+        let query = Base16Iter::from_bin(&b"01b");
+        let r = radix_prefix_lookup(&radix_buf, 0, query, VariantKey::read, &key_buf);
+        assert_eq!(r.unwrap(), Some(key2_id));
+    }
+    quickcheck! {
+        fn test_compare_with_stdset_sparse(std_set: HashSet<u64>) -> bool {
+            let std_set: HashSet<[u8; 10]> = std_set.iter().map(|&x|  {
+                let mut buf = [0u8; 10];
+                let slice: [u8; 8] = unsafe { transmute(x) };
+                buf[0..8].copy_from_slice(&slice);
+                buf
+            }).collect();
+            check_with_stdset(std_set)
+        }
+        fn test_compare_with_stdset_dense(std_set: HashSet<u16>) -> bool {
+            let std_set: HashSet<[u8; 10]> = std_set.iter().map(|&x|  {
+                let mut buf = [0u8; 10];
+                let slice: [u8; 2] = unsafe { transmute(x) };
+                buf[0..2].copy_from_slice(&slice);
+                buf
+            }).collect();
+            check_with_stdset(std_set)
+        }
+    }
+    // Compare with `HashSet`.
+    fn check_with_stdset(std_set: HashSet<[u8; 10]>) -> bool {
+        let mut key_buf = Vec::<u8>::with_capacity(std_set.len() * 11);
+        let mut radix_buf = vec![0u32; 16];
+        // Insert to radix tree
+        for key in &std_set {
+            let key_id = VariantKey::append(&mut key_buf, key);
+            radix_insert(&mut radix_buf, 0, key_id, VariantKey::read, &key_buf).expect("insert");
+        }
+        // Test key existence
+        std_set.iter().all(|key| {
+            let r = radix_lookup(&radix_buf, 0, key, VariantKey::read, &key_buf);
+            r.unwrap().is_some()
+        })
+    }
+    const COUNT: usize = 51200;
+    #[bench]
+    fn bench_insert(b: &mut Bencher) {
+        let key_buf = randomized_key_buf(COUNT);
+        b.iter(|| { batch_insert_radix_buf(&key_buf, COUNT); })
+    }
+    #[bench]
+    fn bench_unchecked_lookups(b: &mut Bencher) {
+        let key_buf = randomized_key_buf(COUNT);
+        let radix_buf = batch_insert_radix_buf(&key_buf, COUNT);
+        b.iter(|| for i in 0..COUNT {
+            let key_id = (i as u32 * 20).into();
+            let key = FixedKey::read(&key_buf, key_id).unwrap();
+            radix_lookup_unchecked(&radix_buf, 0, &key).expect("lookup");
+        })
+    }
+    #[bench]
+    fn bench_lookups(b: &mut Bencher) {
+        let key_buf = randomized_key_buf(COUNT);
+        let radix_buf = batch_insert_radix_buf(&key_buf, COUNT);
+        b.iter(|| for i in 0..COUNT {
+            let key_id = (i as u32 * 20).into();
+            let key = FixedKey::read(&key_buf, key_id).unwrap();
+            radix_lookup(&radix_buf, 0, &key, FixedKey::read, &key_buf).expect("lookup");
+        })
+    }
+    fn randomized_key_buf(count: usize) -> Vec<u8> {
+        let mut key_buf = vec![0u8; count * 20];
+        // Using an unseeded rng so benchmarks are more stable across multiple runs
+        ChaChaRng::new_unseeded().fill_bytes(key_buf.as_mut());
+        key_buf
+    }
+    fn batch_insert_radix_buf(key_buf: &Vec<u8>, count: usize) -> Vec<u32> {
+        let mut radix_buf = vec![0u32; 16];
+        for i in 0..count {
+            let key_id: KeyId = ((i * 20) as u32).into();
+            radix_insert(&mut radix_buf, 0, key_id, FixedKey::read, key_buf).expect("insert");
+        }
+        radix_buf
+    }