diff --git a/rust/indexes/src/childmap.rs b/rust/indexes/src/childmap.rs
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/indexes/src/childmap.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+// Copyright 2017 Facebook, Inc.
+// This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
+// GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
+use errors::{Result, ErrorKind};
+use std::mem::transmute;
+use std::slice;
+use std::u32;
+use radixbuf::key::{FixedKey, KeyId};
+use radixbuf::radix::{radix_lookup, radix_insert_with_key, RADIX_NCHILDREN};
+use radixbuf::errors as rerrors;
+use changelog_utils::{changelog_end_rev, rev_to_node, CHANGELOG_ENTRY_SIZE,
+/// An index with rev -> a list of rev mapping intended for storing children.
+/// Revision numbers are used to make the index compact. Insertion does not
+/// have to be topo order.
+/// Assume revision r+1 is likely a child of revision r so that does not
+/// have to be stored in the index but will be checked using changelog.i
+/// during lookups.
+/// Similar to nodemap, it has an on-disk immutable index and an im-memory
+/// side index. The "key buffer" (see radixbuf::radix for what a key buffer
+/// is) is not changelog.i but the following format:
+///   key-buffer := key-buffer-len (u32) | key-buffer + key-entry
+///   key-entry  := rev (u32) + key-entry-offset (u32)
+/// Child revs are stored in a linked list. key-entry-offset might be
+/// rewritten in-place so the "key buffer" is not append-only.
+/// Similar to nodemap, the main radix buffer has a tiny header that is
+/// used to verify if the index is broken or not. That is:
+///   raidx-buffer := radix-buffer-size (u32) + next-rev (u32)
+///                   + last-node ([u8; 20])
+/// When serializing to disk, the two buffers need to be merged into one:
+///   childmap   := radix-buffer + key-buffer
+pub struct ChildRevMap<C, I> {
+    changelogi: C,
+    end_rev: u32,
+    main_index: I, // Immutable main index
+    side_index: (Vec<u32>, Vec<u32>), // Mutable side index (key, radix)
+// Offsets in the main radix and key buffers
+const RADIX_LEN_OFFSET: usize = 0;
+const RADIX_NEXT_REV_OFFSET: usize = 1;
+const RADIX_LAST_NODE_OFFSET: usize = 2;
+const RADIX_LAST_NODE_LEN: usize = 5;
+const KEY_LEN_OFFSET: usize = 0;
+// Offsets of root nodes in radix buffers
+const SIDE_RADIX_OFFSET: u32 = 0;
+impl<C, I> ChildRevMap<C, I>
+    C: AsRef<[u8]>,
+    I: AsRef<[u32]>,
+    /// Initialize ChildRevMap from a non-inlined version of changelog.i and an incomplete index.
+    pub fn new(changelogi: C, main_index: I) -> Result<Self> {
+        // The index must contain at least 24 elements:
+        //  - index[0]: radix buffer size
+        //  - index[1]: next rev
+        //  - index[2..7]: last node
+        //  - index[7..7+16]: first radix node entry
+        //  - index[23]: padding in key-buffer
+        if main_index.as_ref().len() < RADIX_HEADER_LEN + RADIX_NCHILDREN {
+            bail!(ErrorKind::IndexCorrupted);
+        }
+        // Check if length matches
+        let radix_buf_len = u32::from_be(main_index.as_ref()[RADIX_LEN_OFFSET]) as usize;
+        if radix_buf_len >= main_index.as_ref().len() {
+            bail!(ErrorKind::IndexCorrupted);
+        }
+        let key_buf_len = u32::from_be(main_index.as_ref()[radix_buf_len as usize]) as usize;
+        if key_buf_len == 0 || radix_buf_len + key_buf_len != main_index.as_ref().len() {
+            bail!(ErrorKind::IndexCorrupted);
+        }
+        // Check if next_rev and last_node in index match changelog.i
+        let next_rev = u32::from_be(main_index.as_ref()[RADIX_NEXT_REV_OFFSET]);
+        let end_rev = changelog_end_rev(&changelogi);
+        if next_rev > end_rev {
+            bail!(ErrorKind::IndexCorrupted);
+        } else if next_rev > 0 {
+            let node_index: [u8; 20] = unsafe {
+                let mut buf = [0u32; RADIX_LAST_NODE_LEN];
+                buf.copy_from_slice(
+                    &main_index.as_ref()[RADIX_LAST_NODE_OFFSET..
+                                             RADIX_LAST_NODE_OFFSET + RADIX_LAST_NODE_LEN],
+                );
+                transmute(buf)
+            };
+            let node_changelog = rev_to_node(&changelogi, (next_rev - 1).into())?;
+            if &node_index[..] != node_changelog {
+                bail!(ErrorKind::IndexCorrupted);
+            }
+        }
+        // Build side_index for the revisions not in the main index
+        let mut side_index = (vec![0u32; 16], vec![0u32; 1]);
+        build(
+            changelogi.as_ref(),
+            &mut side_index.0,
+            &mut side_index.1,
+            SIDE_RADIX_OFFSET,
+            next_rev,
+            end_rev,
+        )?;
+        Ok(ChildRevMap {
+            changelogi,
+            end_rev,
+            main_index,
+            side_index,
+        })
+    }
+    /// Return an empty index that can be used as "main_index" when passed to `new`.
+    pub fn empty_index_buffer() -> Vec<u32> {
+        let mut result = vec![0u32; RADIX_HEADER_LEN + RADIX_NCHILDREN];
+        result[RADIX_LEN_OFFSET] = (result.len() as u32).to_be();
+        let mut key_buf = vec![0u32];
+        key_buf[KEY_LEN_OFFSET] = (key_buf.len() as u32).to_be();
+        result.append(&mut key_buf);
+        return result;
+    }
+    /// Return parent revisions.
+    /// This is made compatible with hg for convenience. If the source of truth
+    /// supports more than 2 parents. The signature of this function should
+    /// change.
+    pub fn parentrevs(&self, rev: u32) -> Option<(i32, i32)> {
+        if rev >= self.end_rev {
+            None
+        } else {
+            Some(parents(self.changelogi.as_ref(), rev))
+        }
+    }
+    /// Get a list of child revisions for a given revision.
+    pub fn lookup(&self, rev: i32) -> Result<Vec<i32>> {
+        let mut childrevs = Vec::with_capacity(1);
+        // Check main index
+        lookup(
+            &self.main_index,
+            &self.main_key_buf(),
+            MAIN_RADIX_OFFSET,
+            rev,
+            &mut childrevs,
+        )?;
+        // Check side index
+        lookup(
+            &self.side_index.0,
+            &self.side_index.1,
+            SIDE_RADIX_OFFSET,
+            rev,
+            &mut childrevs,
+        )?;
+        // Check changelog.i, rev + 1
+        match self.parentrevs((rev + 1) as u32) {
+            None => (),
+            Some((p1, p2)) => {
+                if (p1 == rev) || (p2 >= 0 && p2 == rev) {
+                    childrevs.push(rev + 1)
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        childrevs.sort();
+        Ok(childrevs)
+    }
+    /// How many revisions the side index has.
+    pub fn lag(&self) -> u32 {
+        let next_rev = u32::from_be(self.main_index.as_ref()[RADIX_NEXT_REV_OFFSET]);
+        self.end_rev - next_rev
+    }
+    /// Incrementally build the main index based on the existing one.
+    pub fn build_incrementally(&self) -> Result<Vec<u32>> {
+        // Copy the main index since we need to modify it.
+        let radix_len = self.main_radix_len();
+        let mut radix_buf = self.main_index.as_ref()[0..radix_len].to_vec();
+        let mut key_buf = self.main_key_buf().to_vec();
+        let next_rev = u32::from_be(radix_buf[RADIX_NEXT_REV_OFFSET]);
+        build(
+            self.changelogi.as_ref(),
+            &mut radix_buf,
+            &mut key_buf,
+            MAIN_RADIX_OFFSET,
+            next_rev,
+            self.end_rev,
+        )?;
+        assert!(radix_buf.len() <= u32::MAX as usize || key_buf.len() <= u32::MAX as usize);
+        // Rewrite headers
+        radix_buf[RADIX_LEN_OFFSET] = (radix_buf.len() as u32).to_be();
+        radix_buf[RADIX_NEXT_REV_OFFSET] = self.end_rev.to_be();
+        if self.end_rev > 0 {
+            let offset = (self.end_rev - 1) * CHANGELOG_ENTRY_SIZE as u32 +
+                CHANGELOG_ENTRY_NODE_OFFSET as u32;
+            let node = FixedKey::read(&self.changelogi, offset.into())?;
+            let mut buf = [0u8; 20];
+            buf.copy_from_slice(&node);
+            let buf: [u32; RADIX_LAST_NODE_LEN] = unsafe { transmute(buf) };
+                .copy_from_slice(&buf);
+        }
+        key_buf[KEY_LEN_OFFSET] = (key_buf.len() as u32).to_be();
+        radix_buf.append(&mut key_buf);
+        Ok(radix_buf)
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn main_radix_len(&self) -> usize {
+        u32::from_be(self.main_index.as_ref()[RADIX_LEN_OFFSET]) as usize
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn main_key_buf(&self) -> &[u32] { &self.main_index.as_ref()[self.main_radix_len()..] }
+fn parents(changelog: &[u8], rev: u32) -> (i32, i32) {
+    let revs: [i32; 2] = unsafe {
+        let mut buf = [0u8; 8];
+        let offset = rev as usize * CHANGELOG_ENTRY_SIZE as usize + CHANGELOG_ENTRY_P1_OFFSET;
+        buf.copy_from_slice(&changelog[offset..offset + 8]);
+        transmute(buf)
+    };
+    (revs[0].to_be(), revs[1].to_be())
+fn insert(radix_buf: &mut Vec<u32>, key_buf: &mut Vec<u32>, offset: u32, parent: i32, child: i32)
+    -> Result<()> {
+    assert_ne!(parent, child);
+    // Find the existing slot of child. Creat an entry on demand.
+    let key = rev_to_key(parent);
+    let existing = radix_lookup(radix_buf, offset, &key, &key_reader, &key_buf)?;
+    let offset: u32 = match existing {
+        Some(v) => v.into(),
+        None => {
+            let key_id = append_linked_node(key_buf, parent, 0);
+            radix_insert_with_key(radix_buf, offset, key_id.into(), &key, &key_reader, key_buf)?;
+            key_id
+        }
+    };
+    // Insert the parent to the linked list.
+    //
+    // Before:           After:
+    //
+    //    key_id (offset)    key_id (offset)      pos
+    //      v                  v                   v
+    //   +---------------+  +---------------+  +--------------+
+    //   | parent | next |  | parent | new  |  | child | next |
+    //   +---------------+  +-----------v---+  +---^----------+
+    //                                  |          |
+    //                                  +----------+
+    if offset as usize + 1 >= key_buf.len() {
+        bail!(ErrorKind::IndexCorrupted)
+    }
+    let next = u32::from_be(key_buf[offset as usize + 1]);
+    let pos = append_linked_node(key_buf, child, next);
+    key_buf[offset as usize + 1] = pos.to_be();
+    Ok(())
+/// Read parent revs from radix index -> linked list. Append them to result.
+fn lookup<R, K>(radix_buf: &R, key_buf: &K, offset: u32, parent: i32, result: &mut Vec<i32>)
+    -> Result<()>
+    R: AsRef<[u32]>,
+    K: AsRef<[u32]>,
+    let key = rev_to_key(parent);
+    let radix_buf = radix_buf.as_ref();
+    let key_buf = key_buf.as_ref();
+    match radix_lookup(&radix_buf, offset, &key, &key_reader, &key_buf)? {
+        Some(id) => {
+            // Read the linked list from key_buf
+            let mut offset: usize = id.into();
+            while offset != 0 {
+                if offset + 1 > key_buf.as_ref().len() {
+                    bail!(ErrorKind::IndexCorrupted);
+                }
+                let new_parent = i32::from_be(key_buf[offset] as i32);
+                let next = u32::from_be(key_buf[offset + 1]);
+                if new_parent != parent {
+                    result.push(new_parent);
+                }
+                offset = next as usize;
+            }
+            Ok(())
+        }
+        None => Ok(()),
+    }
+/// Read parent -> child relationships for parent in xrange(start_rev, end_rev) from changelog,
+/// insert them to the radix index.
+fn build(
+    changelog: &[u8], radix_buf: &mut Vec<u32>, key_buf: &mut Vec<u32>, offset: u32, start_rev: u32,
+    end_rev: u32
+) -> Result<()> {
+    for i in start_rev..end_rev {
+        let (p1, p2) = parents(changelog, i);
+        // Skip "parent + 1 == child" case to save space.
+        if p1 + 1 != i as i32 {
+            insert(radix_buf, key_buf, offset, p1, i as i32)?;
+        }
+        if p2 >= 0 && p2 + 1 != i as i32 {
+            insert(radix_buf, key_buf, offset, p2, i as i32)?;
+        }
+    }
+    Ok(())
+/// Append (rev: u32, next_offset: u32) to the key buffer. Return the offset of rev.
+fn append_linked_node(key_buf: &mut Vec<u32>, rev: i32, next: u32) -> u32 {
+    let pos = key_buf.len() as u64;
+    assert!(pos < 0xffff_ffff);
+    key_buf.push(rev.to_be() as u32);
+    key_buf.push(next.to_be());
+    pos as u32
+/// Read fixed 4-byte sequence from key buffer
+fn key_reader<K: AsRef<[u32]>>(key_buf: &K, key_id: KeyId) -> rerrors::Result<&[u8]> {
+    let key_buf = key_buf.as_ref();
+    let start_pos: usize = key_id.into();
+    let end_pos = start_pos + 1;
+    if key_buf.len() < end_pos {
+        bail!(rerrors::ErrorKind::InvalidKeyId(key_id));
+    }
+    let result = &key_buf[start_pos..end_pos];
+    // Cast [u32] to [u8]
+    Ok(&unsafe {
+        slice::from_raw_parts(result.as_ptr() as *const u8, 4)
+    })
+/// Convert revision number to a key ([u8])
+fn rev_to_key(rev: i32) -> [u8; 4] { unsafe { transmute(rev.to_be()) } }
+mod tests {
+    use super::*;
+    #[test]
+    fn test_manual_case() {
+        let mut changelogi: Vec<u8> = vec![];
+        let empty_index = ChildRevMap::<Vec<u8>, Vec<u32>>::empty_index_buffer();
+        {
+            // Take a snapshot of empty changelog.i and do some tests.
+            let changelogi = changelogi.clone();
+            let map = ChildRevMap::new(&changelogi, empty_index.clone()).unwrap();
+            assert_eq!(map.lag(), 0);
+            assert_eq!(map.build_incrementally().unwrap(), empty_index.clone());
+        }
+        // Insert 2 revisions:
+        //   1 2
+        //   |/
+        //   0
+        let mut index_partial: Vec<u32> = vec![];
+        append_changelog(&mut changelogi, 0, -1, -1);
+        append_changelog(&mut changelogi, 1, 0, -1);
+        append_changelog(&mut changelogi, 2, 0, -1);
+        {
+            let changelogi = changelogi.clone();
+            let map1 = ChildRevMap::new(&changelogi, empty_index.clone()).unwrap();
+            let index = map1.build_incrementally().unwrap();
+            index_partial.extend(index.clone()); // used by the next test
+            let map2 = ChildRevMap::new(&changelogi, index).unwrap();
+            assert_eq!(map1.lag(), 3);
+            assert_eq!(map2.lag(), 0);
+            for map in [&map1, &map2].iter() {
+                assert_eq!(map.lookup(-1).unwrap(), vec![0]);
+                assert_eq!(map.lookup(0).unwrap(), vec![1, 2]);
+                assert_eq!(map.lookup(1).unwrap(), vec![]);
+                assert_eq!(map.lookup(2).unwrap(), vec![]);
+                assert_eq!(map.lookup(3).unwrap(), vec![]);
+            }
+        }
+        // Insert more revisions:
+        //   6 7   5
+        //   |\|\  |
+        //   1 2 3 4
+        //    \|/ /
+        //     |/
+        //     0   8
+        append_changelog(&mut changelogi, 3, 0, -1);
+        append_changelog(&mut changelogi, 4, 0, -1);
+        append_changelog(&mut changelogi, 5, 4, -1);
+        append_changelog(&mut changelogi, 6, 1, 2);
+        append_changelog(&mut changelogi, 7, 2, 3);
+        append_changelog(&mut changelogi, 8, -1, -1);
+        {
+            let changelogi = changelogi.clone();
+            // build from scratch
+            let map_from_scratch = ChildRevMap::new(&changelogi, empty_index.clone()).unwrap();
+            // build incrementally from a childmap with 3 revisions
+            let map_from_partial = ChildRevMap::new(&changelogi, index_partial).unwrap();
+            let index_complete = map_from_scratch.build_incrementally().unwrap();
+            assert_eq!(
+                index_complete,
+                map_from_partial.build_incrementally().unwrap()
+            );
+            // build from an up-to-date childmap
+            let map_from_complete = ChildRevMap::new(&changelogi, index_complete).unwrap();
+            assert_eq!(map_from_scratch.lag(), 9);
+            assert_eq!(map_from_partial.lag(), 6);
+            assert_eq!(map_from_complete.lag(), 0);
+            for map in [&map_from_scratch, &map_from_partial, &map_from_complete].iter() {
+                assert_eq!(map.lookup(-1).unwrap(), vec![0, 8]);
+                assert_eq!(map.lookup(0).unwrap(), vec![1, 2, 3, 4]);
+                assert_eq!(map.lookup(1).unwrap(), vec![6]);
+                assert_eq!(map.lookup(2).unwrap(), vec![6, 7]);
+                assert_eq!(map.lookup(3).unwrap(), vec![7]);
+                assert_eq!(map.lookup(4).unwrap(), vec![5]);
+                assert_eq!(map.lookup(5).unwrap(), vec![]);
+                assert_eq!(map.lookup(6).unwrap(), vec![]);
+                assert_eq!(map.lookup(7).unwrap(), vec![]);
+                assert_eq!(map.lookup(8).unwrap(), vec![]);
+                assert_eq!(map.lookup(9).unwrap(), vec![]);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    fn append_changelog(changelogi: &mut Vec<u8>, rev: u32, p1: i32, p2: i32) {
+        assert_eq!(
+            rev as usize,
+            changelogi.len() / CHANGELOG_ENTRY_SIZE as usize
+        );
+        let mut entry = [0u8; CHANGELOG_ENTRY_SIZE as usize];
+        let p1buf: [u8; 4] = unsafe { transmute(p1.to_be()) };
+        let p2buf: [u8; 4] = unsafe { transmute(p2.to_be()) };
+        entry[24..28].copy_from_slice(&p1buf);
+        entry[28..32].copy_from_slice(&p2buf);
+        changelogi.extend_from_slice(&entry);
+    }
diff --git a/rust/indexes/src/lib.rs b/rust/indexes/src/lib.rs
--- a/rust/indexes/src/lib.rs
+++ b/rust/indexes/src/lib.rs
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 extern crate radixbuf;
 pub mod errors;
+pub mod childmap;
 pub mod nodemap;
 mod changelog_utils;
 mod pybuf;
diff --git a/rust/indexes/src/pyext.rs b/rust/indexes/src/pyext.rs
--- a/rust/indexes/src/pyext.rs
+++ b/rust/indexes/src/pyext.rs
@@ -3,13 +3,15 @@
 // This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
 // GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
-use cpython::{PyResult, PyBytes, PyObject};
+use childmap::ChildRevMap;
+use cpython::{PyResult, PyBytes, PyObject, PyInt};
 use nodemap::NodeRevMap;
 use pybuf::SimplePyBuf;
 use std::slice;
 py_module_initializer!(indexes, initindexes, PyInit_indexes, |py, m| {
+    try!(m.add_class::<childmap>(py));
@@ -52,3 +54,40 @@
         Ok(PyBytes::new(py, slice))
+py_class!(class childmap |py| {
+    data childmap: ChildRevMap<SimplePyBuf<u8>, SimplePyBuf<u32>>;
+    def __new__(_cls, changelog: &PyObject, index: &PyObject) -> PyResult<childmap> {;
+        let changelog_buf = SimplePyBuf::new(py, changelog);
+        let index_buf = SimplePyBuf::new(py, index);
+        let map = ChildRevMap::new(changelog_buf, index_buf)?;
+        childmap::create_instance(py, map)
+    }
+    def __getitem__(&self, rev: i32) -> PyResult<Vec<i32>> {
+        Ok(self.childmap(py).lookup(rev)?)
+    }
+    def parentrevs(&self, rev: PyInt) -> PyResult<Option<(i32, i32)>> {
+        let revs = self.childmap(py).parentrevs(rev.value(py) as u32);
+        Ok(revs)
+    }
+    def build(&self) -> PyResult<PyBytes> {
+        let buf = self.childmap(py).build_incrementally()?;
+        let slice = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(buf.as_ptr() as *const u8, buf.len() * 4) };
+        Ok(PyBytes::new(py, slice))
+    }
+    def lag(&self) -> PyResult<u32> {
+        Ok(self.childmap(py).lag())
+    }
+    @staticmethod
+    def emptyindexbuffer() -> PyResult<PyBytes> {
+        let buf = ChildRevMap::<Vec<u8>, Vec<u32>>::empty_index_buffer();
+        let slice = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(buf.as_ptr() as *const u8, buf.len() * 4) };
+        Ok(PyBytes::new(py, slice))
+    }