diff --git a/mercurial/streamclone.py b/mercurial/streamclone.py
--- a/mercurial/streamclone.py
+++ b/mercurial/streamclone.py
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
 import struct
 from .i18n import _
+from .node import (
+    hex,
 from . import (
@@ -118,6 +121,8 @@
     repo = pullop.repo
     remote = pullop.remote
+    remotephases = pullop.remote.listkeys('phases')
     # Save remote branchmap. We will use it later to speed up branchcache
     # creation.
     rbranchmap = None
@@ -158,6 +163,45 @@
+        # Application of phases data is subtly non-trivial.
+        #
+        # The following have to be considered:
+        #
+        # * The remote could be running an old version of Mercurial that
+        #   isn't phases aware. Remote phases data will be empty. (This should
+        #   not be common since phases were supported since Mercurial 1.9.)
+        # * Some versions of Mercurial (before issue 5589 was fixed) can
+        #   serve secret changesets. Versions after can be configured to serve
+        #   secret changesets.
+        # * The remote could be publishing or non-publishing.
+        # * If local changesets are secret, this impacts discovery and other
+        #   mechanisms that occur during the "pull" that is performed after
+        #   this function returns.
+        #
+        # This combination of scenarios means that we can't 100% reliably
+        # reproduce the remote phases state. For example, if the remote is
+        # configured to serve secret changesets and all changesets are secret,
+        # there won't be any phases data and we won't be able to distinguish
+        # between that repo and a Mercurial that isn't phases aware.
+        #
+        # Our strategy is to look at the remote phases data. If there isn't any,
+        # we assume we are talking to an old server that doesn't support phases.
+        # We keep all changesets as public. Otherwise, we force all changesets
+        # to draft. Then we apply the remote phases data.
+        if remotephases:
+            roots = [ctx.node() for ctx in repo.set('roots(all())')]
+            tr = pullop.gettransaction()
+            phases.retractboundary(repo, tr, phases.draft, roots)
+            # Strictly speaking, we may not need to apply remote phases here,
+            # as the incremental pull after this function may take care of it.
+            # But since we already have the data, we might as well use it.
+            publicheads, draftroots = phases.analyzeremotephases(
+                repo, repo.heads(), {hex(n): phases.draft for n in roots})
+            if publicheads:
+                phases.advanceboundary(repo, tr, phases.public, publicheads)
         if rbranchmap:
             branchmap.replacecache(repo, rbranchmap)
diff --git a/tests/test-clone-uncompressed.t b/tests/test-clone-uncompressed.t
--- a/tests/test-clone-uncompressed.t
+++ b/tests/test-clone-uncompressed.t
@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@
   $ hg --debug --config worker.backgroundclose=true --config worker.backgroundcloseminfilecount=1 clone --stream -U http://localhost:$HGPORT clone-background | grep -v adding
   using http://localhost:$HGPORT/
   sending capabilities command
+  preparing listkeys for "phases"
+  sending listkeys command
+  received listkey for "phases": 58 bytes
   sending branchmap command
   streaming all changes
   sending stream_out command
@@ -94,11 +97,9 @@
   searching for changes
   no changes found
-TODO this is buggy
   $ hg -R all-draft log -T '{rev} {phase}\n'
-  1 public
-  0 public
+  1 draft
+  0 draft
 Mixed phase is preserved
@@ -110,10 +111,8 @@
   searching for changes
   no changes found
-TODO this is buggy
   $ hg -R mixed-draft log -T '{rev} {phase}\n'
-  1 public
+  1 draft
   0 public
 Cannot stream clone when there are secret changesets
diff --git a/tests/test-http-bundle1.t b/tests/test-http-bundle1.t
--- a/tests/test-http-bundle1.t
+++ b/tests/test-http-bundle1.t
@@ -291,8 +291,9 @@
   "GET /?cmd=listkeys HTTP/1.1" 200 - x-hgarg-1:namespace=namespaces x-hgproto-1:0.1 0.2 comp=$USUAL_COMPRESSIONS$
   "GET /?cmd=listkeys HTTP/1.1" 200 - x-hgarg-1:namespace=bookmarks x-hgproto-1:0.1 0.2 comp=$USUAL_COMPRESSIONS$
   "GET /?cmd=capabilities HTTP/1.1" 200 -
+  "GET /?cmd=listkeys HTTP/1.1" 401 - x-hgarg-1:namespace=phases x-hgproto-1:0.1 0.2 comp=$USUAL_COMPRESSIONS$
+  "GET /?cmd=listkeys HTTP/1.1" 200 - x-hgarg-1:namespace=phases x-hgproto-1:0.1 0.2 comp=$USUAL_COMPRESSIONS$
   "GET /?cmd=branchmap HTTP/1.1" 200 - x-hgproto-1:0.1 0.2 comp=$USUAL_COMPRESSIONS$
-  "GET /?cmd=stream_out HTTP/1.1" 401 - x-hgproto-1:0.1 0.2 comp=$USUAL_COMPRESSIONS$
   "GET /?cmd=stream_out HTTP/1.1" 200 - x-hgproto-1:0.1 0.2 comp=$USUAL_COMPRESSIONS$
   "GET /?cmd=listkeys HTTP/1.1" 200 - x-hgarg-1:namespace=bookmarks x-hgproto-1:0.1 0.2 comp=$USUAL_COMPRESSIONS$
   "GET /?cmd=batch HTTP/1.1" 200 - x-hgarg-1:cmds=heads+%3Bknown+nodes%3D5fed3813f7f5e1824344fdc9cf8f63bb662c292d x-hgproto-1:0.1 0.2 comp=$USUAL_COMPRESSIONS$
diff --git a/tests/test-http-proxy.t b/tests/test-http-proxy.t
--- a/tests/test-http-proxy.t
+++ b/tests/test-http-proxy.t
@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@
   1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
   $ cat proxy.log
   * - - [*] "GET http://localhost:$HGPORT/?cmd=capabilities HTTP/1.1" - - (glob)
+  $LOCALIP - - [$LOGDATE$] "GET http://localhost:$HGPORT/?cmd=listkeys HTTP/1.1" - - x-hgarg-1:namespace=phases x-hgproto-1:0.1 0.2 comp=$USUAL_COMPRESSIONS$
   $LOCALIP - - [$LOGDATE$] "GET http://localhost:$HGPORT/?cmd=branchmap HTTP/1.1" - - x-hgproto-1:0.1 0.2 comp=$USUAL_COMPRESSIONS$ (glob)
   $LOCALIP - - [$LOGDATE$] "GET http://localhost:$HGPORT/?cmd=stream_out HTTP/1.1" - - x-hgproto-1:0.1 0.2 comp=$USUAL_COMPRESSIONS$ (glob)
   $LOCALIP - - [$LOGDATE$] "GET http://localhost:$HGPORT/?cmd=batch HTTP/1.1" - - x-hgarg-1:cmds=heads+%3Bknown+nodes%3D83180e7845de420a1bb46896fd5fe05294f8d629 x-hgproto-1:0.1 0.2 comp=$USUAL_COMPRESSIONS$ (glob)
diff --git a/tests/test-http.t b/tests/test-http.t
--- a/tests/test-http.t
+++ b/tests/test-http.t
@@ -282,8 +282,9 @@
   "GET /?cmd=listkeys HTTP/1.1" 200 - x-hgarg-1:namespace=namespaces x-hgproto-1:0.1 0.2 comp=$USUAL_COMPRESSIONS$
   "GET /?cmd=listkeys HTTP/1.1" 200 - x-hgarg-1:namespace=bookmarks x-hgproto-1:0.1 0.2 comp=$USUAL_COMPRESSIONS$
   "GET /?cmd=capabilities HTTP/1.1" 200 -
+  "GET /?cmd=listkeys HTTP/1.1" 401 - x-hgarg-1:namespace=phases x-hgproto-1:0.1 0.2 comp=$USUAL_COMPRESSIONS$
+  "GET /?cmd=listkeys HTTP/1.1" 200 - x-hgarg-1:namespace=phases x-hgproto-1:0.1 0.2 comp=$USUAL_COMPRESSIONS$
   "GET /?cmd=branchmap HTTP/1.1" 200 - x-hgproto-1:0.1 0.2 comp=$USUAL_COMPRESSIONS$
-  "GET /?cmd=stream_out HTTP/1.1" 401 - x-hgproto-1:0.1 0.2 comp=$USUAL_COMPRESSIONS$
   "GET /?cmd=stream_out HTTP/1.1" 200 - x-hgproto-1:0.1 0.2 comp=$USUAL_COMPRESSIONS$
   "GET /?cmd=batch HTTP/1.1" 200 - x-hgarg-1:cmds=heads+%3Bknown+nodes%3D5fed3813f7f5e1824344fdc9cf8f63bb662c292d x-hgproto-1:0.1 0.2 comp=$USUAL_COMPRESSIONS$
   "GET /?cmd=getbundle HTTP/1.1" 200 - x-hgarg-1:bookmarks=1&$USUAL_BUNDLE_CAPS$&cg=0&common=5fed3813f7f5e1824344fdc9cf8f63bb662c292d&heads=5fed3813f7f5e1824344fdc9cf8f63bb662c292d&listkeys=bookmarks&phases=1 x-hgproto-1:0.1 0.2 comp=$USUAL_COMPRESSIONS$