diff --git a/tests/test-remotefilelog-bgprefetch.t b/tests/test-remotefilelog-bgprefetch.t
--- a/tests/test-remotefilelog-bgprefetch.t
+++ b/tests/test-remotefilelog-bgprefetch.t
@@ -178,8 +178,11 @@
   $ clearcache
   $ find $CACHEDIR -type f | sort
   $ echo b > b
+.. The following output line about files fetches is globed because it is
+.. flacky, the core the test is checked when checking the cache dir, so
+.. hopefully this flackyness is not hiding any actual bug.
   $ hg commit -qAm b
-  * files fetched over 1 fetches - (* misses, 0.00% hit ratio) over *s (glob)
+  * files fetched over 1 fetches - (* misses, 0.00% hit ratio) over *s (glob) (?)
   $ hg bookmark temporary
   $ find $CACHEDIR -type f | sort
@@ -222,10 +225,19 @@
   (leaving bookmark temporary)
   $ clearcache
   $ find $CACHEDIR -type f | sort
+.. The following output line about files fetches is globed because it is
+.. flacky, the core the test is checked when checking the cache dir, so
+.. hopefully this flackyness is not hiding any actual bug.
   $ hg rebase -s temporary -d foo
   rebasing 3:d9cf06e3b5b6 "b" (temporary tip)
   saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/shallow/.hg/strip-backup/d9cf06e3b5b6-e5c3dc63-rebase.hg
-  3 files fetched over 1 fetches - (3 misses, 0.00% hit ratio) over *s (glob)
+  ? files fetched over ? fetches - (? misses, 0.00% hit ratio) over *s (glob)
+  $ find $CACHEDIR -type f | sort
+  $TESTTMP/hgcache/master/packs/8f1443d44e57fec96f72fb2412e01d2818767ef2.histidx
+  $TESTTMP/hgcache/master/packs/8f1443d44e57fec96f72fb2412e01d2818767ef2.histpack
+  $TESTTMP/hgcache/master/packs/f4d50848e0b465e9bfd2875f213044c06cfd7407.dataidx
+  $TESTTMP/hgcache/master/packs/f4d50848e0b465e9bfd2875f213044c06cfd7407.datapack
+  $TESTTMP/hgcache/repos
 # Ensure that file 'y' was prefetched - it was not part of the rebase operation and therefore
 # could only be downloaded by the background prefetch