( )⚙ D1069 bitmanipulation: reformat with clang-format

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bitmanipulation: reformat with clang-format

Authored by durin42 on Oct 14 2017, 3:05 AM.



Mostly un-wrapping over-wrapped definitions.

Diff Detail

rHG Mercurial
Automatic diff as part of commit; lint not applicable.
Automatic diff as part of commit; unit tests not applicable.

Event Timeline

durin42 created this revision.Oct 14 2017, 3:05 AM
abuehl added a subscriber: abuehl.Oct 14 2017, 3:32 AM
abuehl added inline comments.

this one looks bad

durin42 marked an inline comment as done.Oct 14 2017, 4:15 PM
durin42 added inline comments.

Won't fix: the point of clang-format is that if we want to change how things are formatted, we should do so by adjusting the formatter config, not by hand-tuning things.

(Presumably there's a way to change the spelling of this line to format better, or else to tweak clang-format config, but that's not the goal of this patch series.)

indygreg accepted this revision.Oct 14 2017, 4:37 PM
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Oct 14 2017, 4:37 PM
durin42 marked an inline comment as done.Oct 14 2017, 4:41 PM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.