I'm not sure what changed before pytype 09-09-2021 (from 04-15-2021), but these
started getting flagged. PyCharm also flagged these. This fixes the following:
File "/mnt/c/Users/Matt/hg/mercurial/encoding.py", line 243, in fromlocal: Function Abort.__init__ was called with the wrong arguments [wrong-arg-types] Expected: (self, message: Union[bytearray, bytes, memoryview], ...) Actually passed: (self, message: LookupError, ...) File "/mnt/c/Users/Matt/hg/mercurial/encoding.py", line 309, in lower: Function Abort.__init__ was called with the wrong arguments [wrong-arg-types] Expected: (self, message: Union[bytearray, bytes, memoryview], ...) Actually passed: (self, message: LookupError, ...) File "/mnt/c/Users/Matt/hg/mercurial/encoding.py", line 336, in upperfallback: Function Abort.__init__ was called with the wrong arguments [wrong-arg-types] Expected: (self, message: Union[bytearray, bytes, memoryview], ...) Actually passed: (self, message: LookupError, ...) Called from (traceback): line 391, in current file line 348, in get line 318, in upper