( )⚙ D4385 tests: add flat manifest case in test-narrow-widen-non-ellipsis.t

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tests: add flat manifest case in test-narrow-widen-non-ellipsis.t

Authored by pulkit on Aug 27 2018, 8:10 AM.



We had this test with tree manifest only because the tests were broken and we
were fixing them and maintaing two different cases of broken tests was bit hard.
Now that things work fine, let's add the flat manifest case.

The test shows that things work fine in both cases.

Diff Detail

rHG Mercurial
Lint Skipped
Unit Tests Skipped

Event Timeline

pulkit created this revision.Aug 27 2018, 8:10 AM
martinvonz accepted this revision.Aug 29 2018, 7:39 PM
martinvonz added a subscriber: martinvonz.
martinvonz added inline comments.

I know that you're just copying this from other test, but I wonder why we didn't just use {rev} instead of {node|short} so we didn't have to glob it out. It makes more sense to fix that in all the tests after this series, of course.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Aug 29 2018, 7:39 PM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
pulkit added inline comments.Aug 30 2018, 8:45 AM

Yes makes sense to use {rev} and thanks for the patch for that.